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Team base care
Long before patient-centered medical homes or accountable care organizations were buzzwords, Salt Lake City–based Intermountain Healthcare was looking at all of the points of care that could improve the health of patients in its system. It did not take long to identify mental health as a problem.

By Intermountain Health

5 min read

Age appropriate chores
You could use some help around the house. Between work, and keeping track of your kids, you just aren’t making it through all of your household chores. You think your child is old enough to help out with chores, but you aren’t sure

By Patricia Davis, MS

5 min read

Many individuals on the autism spectrum do not even have the use of basic gestures to help them get their needs across

By Jonel Condra

5 min read

Aging, it has been said, isn’t for the weak. While there is no way to turn back the hands of time, there are some things that you can do that can improve your life and increase the fulfillment and joy you find in your golden years.

By Lance Madigan

5 min read

Men are great at assuring their car gets the required maintenance to keep it running smoothly. But they aren't great about taking charge of their own health to keep the engine running. Here are five ways men can maintain their health with good preventive care.

By Jason M Carlton

5 min read

It has been predicted that the “new” mid-life will be age 74 in the not-so-distant future. People are working and living longer these days. There are many advantages to age, such as you can reinvent yourself all over again.

By Teri Koenig

5 min read

Creative ways to stay active with your family this fall
Autumn brings beauty and plenty of fun for the whole family, and having a few ideas on hand will help you be active and healthy.

By Nick Dragon

5 min read

Walk 20in 20the 20fall
It’s January and everybody is going to the gym. I applaud and encourage everyone who is making a commitment to be more active as their New Year’s resolution, but before you take on a P90X or Insanity workout, let’s talk a little about what you need to know so you can be healthy and successful.​​​

By Regan Wilson

5 min read

9 Things Happy Parents Do To Raise Happy Children
Children have a way of pushing their parents to the limit of their patience – and beyond, which leaves both parent and child frustrated. The good news is, when it comes to children, a little preparation can help.

By Intermountain Health

5 min read

Fevers occur when the body’s internal thermostat raises the body temperature above its normal level. There are different causes of fevers, but there are a few ways to know if they should be considered serious.

By Intermountain Health

5 min read

The study of men’s health began as the study of testosterone, erectile dysfunction, and male infertility. Since then, it has rapidly grown and changed.

By Intermountain Health

5 min read

While school is out, you might be at a loss about what to do to keep your children happy and healthy during the dog days of summer. The answer may be easier than you'd expect – try a trip to the local park.

By Jentry Larsen

5 min read

strep throat 700
If you have a newborn or a young child, you may have heard a lot about croup. In this article, we answer some common questions you may have about this illness.

By Intermountain Health

5 min read

If you have a newborn or a young child, you may have heard a lot about RSV. In this article, we answer some common questions you may have about this illness.

By Jonathan Burnett MD

5 min read

Discussion of dietary and bowel habits is an important part of routine health supervision visits for infants and children of all ages. This is because inadequate fluid and/or fiber intake can lead to constipation, a common childhood concern.

By Alexandra Barrera MD

5 min read

Summer's end brings the advent of a new school year. Preparing for a smooth transition can be crucial to developing a more focused learning environment.

By Scott Schmitt DO

5 min read

Every parent has been there. Your child wakes up at 2 am and they’re sick with … something. It’s two weeks into a new school year, so you’re sure it’s something they picked up

By William Daines, MD

5 min read

Back to school kid with glasses
Parents everywhere are rejoicing and kids are shedding tears. Why? Because it's August and for some school starts in just a few days. Here are 5 ways to get kids back into the swing of sleep routine, reducing school stress, and dealing with back to school emotions.

By Collin Searle

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A sunburn in childhood can dramatically increase your chance of skin cancer later. UV protective clothing and sunblock are the best defense against UV rays.

By Holly Daniels Nelson

5 min read

You send your kids out the door, lunch in hand, backpack loaded. Wait, what is all in that backpack?

By Intermountain Health

5 min read

Girl chalkboard
Much like adults kids have pressures in life that come from a variety of sources. Pressures can come from within the child, parents, teachers, peers and the larger society in which the child lives. Here are a few ways to help children find successful ways to handle life's pressures.

By Katrina Jensen, RN

5 min read

4 Things You Should Know About Flu Shots
There are many misconceptions about the flu vaccine, including the idea that you don’t need to worry about it until winter.


5 min read

As American baby boomers get older, their need for mental health services is booming. One in five American seniors has a mental health or substance abuse problem, according to a 2012 report by the Institute of Medicine -- and that number will only grow as baby boomers get older.

By Stephanie Jackson

5 min read

Mental Health Child
Choosing a therapist can be difficult. Often, you’re unsure where to start and what to expect. Here are some ideas to help you get started.

By Heather Shotwell, LCSW

5 min read

Senior vaccines
If you are between the ages of 60-64, it is time for a PRE-Medicare vaccine visit, because once you turn 65 then some vaccines aren’t covered.

By Tamara Sheffield, MD

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Family at home eating
3 Ways to Start Healthy Family Habits

By Lindsay Woolman

5 min read

So you’ve heard about this thing called telehealth, or maybe you’ve even tried Intermountain Connect Care for yourself; but what do you really know about online medical visits?

By William Daines, MD

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How is your childs mental health
It doesn’t matter if your child is six or sixteen, when they’re struggling, they need help. Unless you know what to look for and what to expect, you won’t be able to help your child get the help they need.

By Tammer Attallah, MBA, LCSW

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With so many ways to install a car seat it’s easy to make a mistake or miss something. Below are the top five mistakes parents make when using car seats and suggestions on how to correct each problem.

By Kara Hansen

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5 Exercises to Improve Mobility for Seniors
Here are five exercises to help prevent immobility and maintain proper muscle and joint function in the body.

By Jillesa Anderson

5 min read

Preventing Falls
Every 13 seconds, an older adult is seen in an emergency department for a falls-related injury.

By Intermountain Health

5 min read

New Moms Stresses
Amazing, magical, and beautiful often describe the excitement of childbirth, but with a new baby comes new stressors. 

By Dani Kurtz

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5 Things I Wish I Knew as a First Time Mom

By Dani Kurtz

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Overcome Feeling Overwhelmed
The stress of motherhood can leave anyone feeling overwhelmed. But taking time to care for yourself will allow you to better care for your family.

By Jeremy Clark, DO

5 min read