In this Article

Your Baby

In a process called ossification, your baby's bones have been hardening. Some of the first bones to harden are those of the inner ear.

Scientists believe that by week 19, this may allow your baby to hear things like blood moving through the umbilical cord or the grumbling of your stomach.

Your Body

Round ligament pain is common in the second trimester of pregnancy. This is a brief pain in your lower abdomen, hip, or groin. It's caused by the stretching of the round ligament that supports the uterus and connects it to the front of the groin area.

Healthy Tip

If lower abdomen pain doesn't ease with rest — or if it's severe or you have bleeding — call your healthcare provider. Otherwise, try these tips to cope with round ligament pain:

  • Get in the habit of changing positions slowly and gradually.
  • If you feel a cough or sneeze coming on, bend at the waist to ease the strain on the ligament.
  • Stretch. On your hands and knees, slowly lower your head to the floor. Keep your bottom up in the air. See if you can feel a gentle stretch.

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    Round Ligament Pain Blog Post

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