HireVue is rolling out system-wide on December 3 so you may start to see video interviewing as a part of your application process with Intermountain. Read some of our FAQs and how you can best utilize the tool.

Q: What is HireVue?

A: HireVue offers job candidates the ability to share their stories and demonstrate their background through a digital video platform – anytime, anywhere. HireVue’s OnDemand Video Interview platform provides visibility into the real attributes that matter, things like attitude, ambition and potential. HireVue’s Live Video Interview platform allows recruiting and hiring teams to create a personal connection with candidates anywhere in the world. HireVue also has a Coordinate function which allows candidates to self-schedule for in-person interviews.

Q: How do I get HireVue? Is there something I need to purchase?

A: There is no cost for you to use HireVue. It is easily accessible from your computer/laptop or mobile device. HireVue offers an app that can be downloaded for use at no cost, too. There is no software or additional applications you will need to download to your computer or devices.

Q: What if I have technical issues with HireVue?

A: You can contact HireVue directly. They can be reached at (800) 655-4106, ext. 1, or support@hirevue.com. HireVue’s Customer Support Team is located at their headquarters right here in Utah and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Phone support is available in 12 languages, including Spanish, and is done using on-the-phone translators from their partner Certified Languages International.

Q: How do I check to see if my interview has been completed?

A: To check the status of your interview, go to your invitation email. Open your invitation email and click on the Interview Code at the bottom of the email.

Please note: Your interview code will appear differently as it is a unique code created for your interview.

If you see the message Interview Not Submitted, then your interview has not been completed. Select Open Interview Setup to complete your interview. If you see the message Interview Received, then your interview has been completed. Once your interview is completed, the company you applied to will review it and follow up with you on the next steps.

Q: I got disconnected during my interview. How do I resume?

A: Disconnections are often due to your internet connection. Your interview is still available to complete. Follow the link in your invitation email, or the steps you initially took, to access your interview again. If you were disconnected in-between answering questions, then you can simply resume your interview.

You will go to the next question in the interview; your previous answers were safely saved to HireVue. If you were disconnected while answering a question, your question has most likely been submitted. When you enter the interview again, you will go to the next question in the interview. There is not a way for this question to be reset. We recommend finishing the interview and then contacting us about the disconnection you experienced. We can send you a retake for the interview, if we feel it is needed.

If you have any further questions, you can read further articles on HireVue’s Candidate Help Center.