Foster Care Program

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This department offers

  • Traditional and therapeutic foster care

Providing traditional and therapeutic training, certification and individualized support to foster parents

The need for foster parents is critical; more than 3,400 children in Colorado are currently in foster care, and more parents are needed. Each day, we receive numerous referrals for children of all ages needing a temporary home.

Mount Saint Vincent’s Foster Care Program provides traditional and therapeutic training and certification to foster parents as well as individualized support and guidance throughout the journey.

Foster care is the temporary 24-hour care of children who cannot remain in their own homes due to abuse, neglect, or other safety concerns. Mount Saint Vincent contracts with county departments of human services to provide traditional and therapeutic foster care placements for these identified children.

Foster parents provide children a stable, safe, and nurturing environment until they can return to their biological parents. If returning is not an option, an adoption plan may be developed. Alternatively, foster parents may be asked to help older children develop independent living skills.

Mount Saint Vincent's Foster Care Program serves children ages newborn to 18 years old whose length of stay in foster care may range from overnight to a few months or a few years. If adoption becomes the permanency goal, a child may be adopted by their foster parent.

Children placed in foster care come from every social, economic, ethnic, and racial background. They have been abused or neglected or may have medical or emotional needs. They all need a safe home and a parent to love and care for them for as long as necessary.

For more information on becoming a foster care or foster-adopt parent, call 303-318-1825 or email Foster parents need to reside in one of these counties: Adams, Arapahoe, Denver, Douglas or Jefferson.

group of multi ethnic people sharing laughs

Interested in becoming a foster parent, but don’t know how to start? Let our Foster Care Program guide you through the five steps with “Preparing to Become A Foster Parent.”

Children running outdoors in a field

Therapeutic Foster Care adds another level of support to parents fostering children with behavioral, emotional and mental health needs. Find out how additional training will prepare you for this special role.

Woman, boy, dog, resting on a rock while hiking

Get your questions answered and take the next steps in one of our two foster programs, Foster Care or Foster Adopt.

Meet our foster parents

Woman holding a child smiling in nature

A Tale of Two Children at Mount Saint Vincent

Brady and Natalei provided foster care for the toddler for 13 months. During that time, they established an extraordinary bond of trust and friendship with Sarah while Zoey was in their home.

Parents and Girl Playing with a Dog Outside

Room for One More at Mount Saint Vincent

Before they even met one another, Mike and Kyle both knew that fostering and adoption would be a part of their lives

Sister Michael with Baby Up on Shoulder

Ninety-four Children and One Sister of Charity

“Children are in foster care through no fault of their own. Whether it was abuse or neglect, something was done to those children, and as a society we have the responsibility to care for these kids.”