In this Article

Your Baby

By week 10, your baby is about the size of a donut hole. All of the major organs and systems are formed and working. The fingers are now separated, and the toes have appeared. Inside your baby's mouth, tooth buds for all 20 baby teeth are forming.

Your Body

Many pregnant women have a heightened sense of smell. Perfumes, magic markers, your coworker's lunch — right now these smells may be overwhelming to you. Like many pregnancy symptoms, your hyperosmia (sensitivity to odors) is caused by your surging hormones.

Healthy Tip

Take steps to prevent toxoplasmosis, an infection that can cause pregnancy problems, including miscarriage. The March of Dimes suggests the following:

  • Don't eat raw or undercooked meat.
  • Peel or thoroughly wash all raw fruits and vegetables before eating.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water after handling fruits, vegetables, or raw meat. Wash the cutting board in the same way.
  • If you have a pet cat, have someone else empty the litter box. If you have to do it yourself, wear gloves and wash your hands when you're done.
  • Stay away from children's sandboxes and use work gloves when you're gardening.

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