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Ed and Cheryl Mansfield used to be snowbirds from Minnesota before becoming full time residents of southern Utah. Ed and Cheryl each had careers in medicine at the Mayo Clinic. Ed was a pharmacist for over 30 years and Cheryl was a patient care assistant (PCA). Ed later developed his own successful and still thriving company in Minnesota. The Mansfields enjoy travelling and they continue to visit Minnesota often.

“Long ago we decided that we wanted to retire where we didn’t have to shovel snow or mow the lawn,” said Ed Mansfield. “We think St. George is the perfect spot. Having an excellent local hospital such as St. George Regional Hospital is an added benefit in retirement.”

While enjoying their golden years in southern Utah, the Mansfields have utilized many of the services at St. George Regional – from cancer care to orthopedic surgery and the emergency room.

“I’ve had an excellent experience every time I’ve visited the hospital,” said Ed. “Every physician has been down-to-Earth, well trained, and they know their business.  They take time to understand my background and they let me take part in my own care. I appreciate that.”

Recently, with help from St. George Regional’s Mobile Integrated Healthcare (MIH) program, Ed was able to make some healthy lifestyle changes and get on the right track towards feeling better and living healthier.

Mobile Integrated Healthcare is a free program St. George Regional provides to recent hospital patients to help manage congestive heart failure or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).  A paramedic visits patients at home to identify individual patient needs and offer assistance.

“Mobile Integrated Healthcare showed me what I needed to do and helped me make changes,” said Ed. “My progress was closely monitored and I lost over 60 pounds. I now enjoy getting out and walking our dog around the block.”

Eric Freiberg, St. George Regional’s Mobile Integrated Healthcare coordinator, enjoyed working with the Mansfields. “Ed found this program so valuable, that he made a generous donation that has allowed us to continue to offer Mobile Integrated Healthcare to over 100 people in our community this past year.”

Making healthy choices and living life to the fullest is what the Mansfields are all about. They have enjoyed seeing St. George Regional Hospital expand and grow because knowing excellent medical care is available close to home is comforting.

“I still work as a consultant for my company in Minnesota,” said Ed. “So we travel a lot, but come home to St. George for health care. I’ve been successful in my career and business, and feel that I should share my good fortune with others by supporting our local hospital.”

Grateful and generous families, such as the Mansfields, have contributed to St. George Regional’s growth and expansion to show appreciation for the extraordinary medical care they have received. By doing so, they are helping future generations live the healthiest lives possible.©