
Preterm Birth

Intermountain Healthcare is actively researching solutions that will better predict and prevent preterm labor.


Advanced Care for Preterm Birth

The start of life is critical for a baby's development and its long term health. Intermountain Healthcare is developing a tool to help physicians predict, detect, and prevent preterm birth. We're working to find new ways to give better care to our patients and help mothers carry their children to full term.


Artificial Saliva Increases Survival Rates in Newborns

Newborn Intensive Care Units developed a new solution that is saving the lives of premature babies. Through clinical research they created and are successfully using artificial saliva, a solution that significantly reduces the risk of life-threatening infection in infants.


Reducing the Chance of Unnecessary C-Sections

At Intermountain Healthcare, we’ve developed a maternal fetal road map that gives us better information on the stress level of a baby so we can better know if a c-section delivery is necessary.
