Speakers Bureau Topics

Intermountain Healthcare's Speakers Bureau offers presentations for local community and civic organizations in Utah, free of charge, to groups of 25 or more.
  1. Best Practice in 'The Best of Times': Learn why physicians from Singapore, Sweden, Spain, Mexico and Memphis come to Intermountain to learn about quality — and how a focus on improving quality saves money and improves lives.
  2. What Was, What's Now, What's Next: From its startling early stages to the promises of tomorrow, learn about megatrends in medicine.
  3. Understanding the Healthcare Dollar: Who pays? To whom? How much? Learn more about the costs of care, and how we'll meet the challenges of tomorrow.
  4. Bandages & Bandwidth: How Intermountain and its partners are using technology to transform the patient experience.
  5. Building Better Medicine: How Intermountain's hospitals and clinics help build better communities with state-of-the-art care from urban centers to rural Utah.
  6. Mission-Driven Medicine: Six things nonprofit organizations do that matter today and may matter even more tomorrow.

Request a Speaker

Local community and civic organizations in Utah can request a speaker for one of the above topics - or request a specific topic - for groups of 25 or more, using this secure online form. 

* Designates required information

Request a Speaker
Presentation Information
NOTE: Intermountain speakers are scheduled as available on a first-come basis.
