Weight loss is a tremendous accomplishment that has numerous health benefits. However, once you have reached your weight loss goal, your body may not appear as fit and healthy as you would like. Skin can be loose and sagging, and some patients find that their body shape looks incongruous. If this is the case for you, consider surgical body contouring.

When is body contouring beneficial?

After weight reduction surgery or substantial weight loss, the skin and tissues often lack elasticity, having lost their ability to conform to a smaller body size. Skin that was once stretched out becomes unsupported, causing it to sag.

Common body contouring surgical procedures such as liposuction, arm lift, tummy tuck, breast lift, thigh lift, and butt lift are particularly beneficial for patients who have achieved dramatic weight loss.

How is body contouring performed?

Intermountain Medical Group plastic surgeons can remove excess fat and skin from nearly any part of the body, improving body tone for a smoother and more natural body contour. Body contouring procedures can require large or extensive incisions to remove excess skin, depending on the amount and location of excess skin to be removed.

Often, sophisticated techniques are used to place incisions in strategic locations that can be hidden by clothing. Your surgical plan may involve contouring surgeries done in stages in order for the best possible results.

What results can I expect?

The improvement you achieve with body contouring surgery is generally long lasting as long as you maintain a stable weight.

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