Liposuction, or suction lipectomy, is a popular cosmetic surgical procedure that removes excess fat deposits and reshapes body contours.

When is liposuction beneficial?

Even those in good health sometimes have a disproportionate body shape due to localized fat deposits. These areas—commonly the thighs, hips, buttocks, abdomen and waist, and upper arms—may be due to family traits rather than a lack of weight control or fitness. Depending on the patient, these fat deposits may be found in almost any area of the body.

Liposuction is a valuable method to remove imbalances and fat deposits, but it is not intended to be a weight-loss alternative. Liposuction works best when the overlying skin has good tone and is not stretched out. It is best to speak with the surgeons at your free consultation to see if you are a good candidate.

How is liposuction performed?

Intermountain Medical Group plastic surgeons use advanced techniques including the classic tumescent method, power-assisted liposuction, and ultrasonic-assisted liposuction, which are selected depending on the treatment area and patient anatomy.

What results can I expect?

Achieved body contouring goals will be apparent once the swelling and fluid retention, which are commonly experienced following liposuction, subside. The results are very long lasting, provided weight and general exercise are maintained.

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