Scars are permanent, visible signs that remain after a wound has healed. Scars can be revised, however, to minimize their appearance and look more consistent with your surrounding skin tone and texture.

When is scar revision beneficial?

Patients who are bothered by a scar anywhere on the body, who are in good general health and who do not have active acne or other skin diseases in the area to be treated, are good candidates for skin revision surgery. Common uses for scar revision surgery are to treat facial scars caused by trauma or surgery, as well as body contouring, face lift, or tummy tuck scar revision.

How is a scar revision performed?

Most scar revisions can be done in-office under a local anesthesia. If scars are painful, itchy, or limiting function, insurance may cover the cost of revision. Treatments may be topical, such as gels, tapes, or external compression, or injectable to fill depressed or concave scars.

Surface treatments, meaning either mechanically removing the top layers of the skin or changing the nature of tissue, can soften surface irregularities and reduce uneven pigmentation. These treatments include dermabrasion, laser or light therapy, chemical peel, and skin bleaching agents.

For deeper scars, advanced closures may be used to remove old scars or reposition scars so they are less conspicuous, or tissue expansions can be used to expand the area of healthy skin.

What results can I expect?

The final results of scar revision surgery may take several months to appear as the new scar fully heals and fades, but results will be long-lasting.

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