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Utah Valley Hospital

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Intermountain Health
Helping you live the healthiest life possible
Intermountain Health
Helping you live the healthiest life possible

Utah Valley Hospital

At Utah Valley Hospital, we’re happy to tell you about our compassionate caregivers, clinical excellence, award-winning care and even our beautiful campus. Our patients and families are the center of every thought, communication and action.

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1034 North 500 West, Provo, UT
Open - 24/7 - Visiting hours - 9p.m
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Emergency care services offer immediate medical attention for serious and life-threatening illnesses or injuries.

Utah Valley Hospital Emergency Services
1034 North 500 West, Provo, UT
Three women cradling newborn babies

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For patients


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breast cancer

Are You at Risk for Breast Cancer?

Are you at risk for breast cancer? Take our breast cancer risk quiz today.


25 Years of Progress in the Detection and Treatment of Breast Cancer

25 years of progress in the detection and treatment of breast cancer

4 Things You Didn't Know About Joint Health

4 Things You Didnt Know About Your Joint Health

While we know in general that losing excess weight can help your overall health, have you ever thought about what that weight does to your joints?

New Technology Helps Keep Breast Cancer from Coming Back

With the help of new technology, doctors can find and treat the stray cancer cells that make cancer come back.

8 FAQS about the Breast Cancer Gene

Working with breast cancer patients is both challenging and incredibly rewarding. While watching my patients suffer can be tough, I am often inspired by their strength, resolve and selflessness.

Signs you might have a thyroid problem

A Patient's Journey Through Thyroid Cancer

It’s often easy to ignore symptoms like fatigue and simply chalk them up to our modern, harried lifestyles. But, it’s important to take stock in what your body is telling you and discuss symptoms with your primary care doctor when those vague feelings of something being “not quite right” come up.


Understanding Thyroid Cancer in the Old and Young

Elder L. Tom Perry, a top-ranking leader of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, passed away from thyroid cancer on Saturday, May 30, less than two months after he was diagnosed with the disease

Cancer care

Thanks to early detection and mammography, more women surviving breast cancer. One young mother tells how early detection saved her life and the life of her child.

Analey Miltenberger was 18 weeks pregnant with her first child when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.


The benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a medical treatment that enhances the body’s natural healing processes by providing the body with extra oxygen. 

Pregnant Woman

Ask Nurse Dani: When Should I Feel My Baby Move?

The first time you feel your baby move will be unforgettable, especially for first-time moms. But when will it happen, and what should you expect?


From Singapore to
Primary Children’s Hospital – A Teens Battle with Childhood Cancer

Addie Napierski felt a little foggy as she looked up at the hospital lights. “Oh yeah,” she thought, abruptly aware of where she was. Her mom, April, sat nearby, looking anxious and waiting for Addie to wake up enough to hear the news


Pregnancy Brain Is Not A Myth

Pregnancy can be overwhelming, and it doesn’t help that you don’t know what’s going on with your body. It is hard to know what’s normal and what’s not. Don't worry. You're not alone.


A Lucky Fall - Duane L. Monette

The diagnosis was “carcinoma of unknown primary origin.” At his home in Utah, Monette visited Dr. Brian Tudor of Intermountain Healthcare’s Southwest Cancer Clinic in St. George.


A Little About PPD – Postpartum Depression

If you’ve just had a baby, you may be struggling with a heightened mindset of sadness. While feeling a little down for a few weeks after giving birth is normal, here are some questions you might have if you’re concerned that it may be more than just the “baby blues.”

Logan teacher

After a Year Battling Cancer, Teacher Shares Her Journey of Healing

After a year receiving cancer treatment at Logan Regional, teacher Ashlena Johnson says she wouldn't go anywhere else: "The entire experience was phenomenal.”

20151028 genomics lab23

Advancing Cancer Treatment: Intermountain Leads the Way with Targeted, Personalized Therapies

The future of cancer treatment looks promising at Intermountain Healthcare. That’s because Intermountain’s physicians and researchers are using precision genomics to provide a personalized approach to testing, diagnosing and treating cancer.

Benefits of hypnosis for birth
Pregnancy and baby

Learn about the benefits of hypnosis for birth

A new alternative for pain relief during labor

Baby Essentials for the Hospital and Beyond

Baby Essentials for the Hospital and Beyond

Being prepared with a hospital bag full of essentials long before your baby comes will give you time afterward to do what you really want: snuggle your baby.


Balancing Life and Cancer Treatment

In relation to life’s various twists and turns, a cancer diagnosis can feel like a freefall. But once a person lands on his/her feet, they can begin learning how to balance treatment-related factors and life’s pleasures.


Ask the Expert

Ask the Expert is an event hosted by KUTV News and Intermountain Healthcare. The day-long program features experts sharing advice on various health topics every second Tuesday of the month.


The Benefits of Recovery – It Does Your Body (AND YOUR GAME) Good

As the fall sports season comes to a close, some of you may start to think of upcoming tournaments, travel plans, and holidays. For athletes and parents, now is the time to think…recovery.

Yoga for bedtime
Wellness and preventative medicine

Try Bedtime Yoga For Less Stress And Better Sleep

Yoga helps calm the body, slow the breath, focus on the present and prepare for sleep.


5 Tips for a Better Night's Sleep

Nothing feels better than a good night’s sleep. Where and how you sleep, your sleep habits, and even the type of mattress and pillow will give you an edge.


5 Things I Wish I Knew as a First Time Mom

5 Things I Wish I Knew as a First Time Mom


Arm and Shoulder Exercises with Minimal Equipment

In case you didn't know... you don't have to go to the gym to build your arm and shoulder muscles. You can actually do some pretty simple exercises at home, using minimal equipment, to help strengthen your triceps and shoulder muscles. Check out these simple exercises and add them to your next exercise routine. 


Are Bio-Identical Hormones for Menopause Safe to Use?

Are bio-identical hormones safe to use for menopause? Dr. Cannon tells us about this "natural" alternative to hormone replacement therapy.


Are girls more prone to ACL injuries?

Intermountain studies how to prevent these injuries in youth soccer.  ​

Apps That Can Help You Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Apps That Can Help You Get A Good Nights Sleep

Sleep-tracking apps on your phone or other smart devices can help keep track of your sleeping cycles and patterns. Here are a few to check out.

seasonal allergies during pregnancy

Seasonal Allergies During Pregnancy

As springtime approaches, so does allergy season. Many pregnant women are faced with this common problem, yet are uncertain about what they can do to minimize their symptoms while keeping their unborn baby safe.

Electric 20Breast 20Pump text

3 Breast Pumps, But Which is Best?

You might ask what kind of breast pump should I buy, Then I might ask, What are you going to use it for?​​


12 Ways to Improve Fertility

12 Ways to Improve Fertility


3 Stretches to Prevent Shoulder Pain and Injury

3 Stretches to Prevent Shoulder Pain and Injury

Care package

10 Ideas for Cancer Care Packages

When a loved one or friend is diagnosed with cancer, it’s never easy. It’s hard to know how to help or what to do. Here are 10 ways to lend support and love. 

10 Drinks to Help You Sleep

10 Drinks to Help You Sleep at Night

10 Drinks to Help You Sleep at Night


10 Common Signs of Menopause

10 Common Signs of Menopause

021813 Three exercise tips Graphic WEB

3 tips to getting the most out of your workouts

3 tips to getting the most out of your workouts


3 Ways to End Treadmill Boredom

3 Ways to End Treadmill Boredom

Mommy Truths

11 Truths of Motherhood

You are an awesome mom. Here are 11 truths you know and should remind yourself of often.


How Sports Psychology Can Help Athlete's Beat Mental Health Challenges

Are you a student athlete who’s committed to your sport, yet burning out due to mental health challenges and anxiety? Dealing with the mental side of things can be extremely beneficial and help you reach greater heights.

skin cancer facts

10 Skin Cancer Facts

What’s the best thing you can do to decrease your risk of skin cancer, especially in the summer? The number one thing is to protect your skin.

10 Things Women Can Do to LiVe Well With Preventive Care

10 Things Women Can Do to LiVe Well With Preventive Care

Preventive care puts you in charge of your health. It lets you gauge your health today, and find out ways to protect it for the future.

A Bedtime Stretching Routine to Help You Sleep Better

3 Simple Stretches to Help You Sleep Better

Following a basic stretching routine just before bedtime will not only enhance your flexibility, but also relax and clear your mind to prepare you for some deep sleep.

Mommy Moments

3 Insights Giving Courage to Overwhelmed Moms Everywhere

Are you feeling like motherhood is overwhelming you? You are not alone. Here are three “mommy insights” that will help give you perspective and courage to continue being a great mom.

6 Things You Need to Know about Mammograms

6 Things You Need to Know about Mammograms

Unfortunately, Utah women have the second-lowest mammogram screening rate in the country. A mammogram only takes a few minutes and can save your life. 


5 Tips for CPAP Success

5 Tips for CPAP Success

moving while pregnant

5 Tips for Moving to a New House While Pregnant

Selling a home and moving is an exciting, and sometimes stressful, time for everyone in the family. Doing so while pregnant increases the excitement level, but can also increase the stress level and potential impacts on your pregnancy plan. 

Overcome Feeling Overwhelmed

5 Ways Moms Can Overcome Feeling Overwhelmed

The stress of motherhood can leave anyone feeling overwhelmed. But taking time to care for yourself will allow you to better care for your family.

Advantages and Health Risks Associated with Doping in Sports

Advantages and Health Risks Associated with Doping in Sports

It’s human nature to want to succeed and be better, which prompts some athletes to participate in doping, the illegal use of athletic performance-enhancing drugs. Doping is an increasing issue with athletes of all ages.

Healthy Snacks_Berrett

9 Useful Pregnancy Snacks

I’ve tried to find a few healthy and easy grab and go snacks that I can quickly eat when I realize I haven’t eaten in a while or I start to feel a little sick. Here are a few of my favs.


9 Tips to Prevent Skin Cancer

9 Tips to Prevent Skin Cancer

A Better Way of Doing Prostate Screening

A Better Way of Doing Prostate Screening

Prostate cancer is the leading type of cancer among Utah men, and Utah has one of the highest incidents of prostate cancer in the country. Addressing this issue is a priority, so how do we detect prostate cancer early and make sure patients have the best outcomes possible?

Spotting Pediatric Cancer

Spotting Pediatric Cancer: How to Know Whether Your Child Should be Seen

Adults have many ways to prevent or screen for cancers: wearing sunscreen, scheduling regular mammograms, or not smoking. But what about cancer in kids?


What is Sleep Apnea and Why is it a Concern?

Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder that disrupts an individual’s rest. During periods of sleep, you actually stop breathing, sometimes missing hundreds of breaths of oxygen – oxygen your body and brain desperately need. If left untreated, it and can cause serious health concerns.

old woman and nurse

The 3 C's of Cancer Care

There are 3 main goals for treating cancer: cure, control, and comfort. When cancer is in the early stages, cure is often possible. When cancer has spread beyond where it started, the goal is to shrink a tumor and control cancer growth.


8 to LiVe by Sleep and Support

There are lots of things you can do to have more energy, feel stronger, and stay at a healthy weight. We have talked previously about Food and Activity: now we will focus on Sleep and Support!

Cancer care

Catch Prostate Cancer Early through Screening

One in seven men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime with 60 percent of those cases occurring in men age 65 or older. Prostate cancer is rare before age 40, and the average age at diagnosis is 66. 


How Does Skin Cancer Become More Than Skin Cancer?

Former President Jimmy Carter's announcement that he has melanoma made many people wonder: Is melanoma the same thing as skin cancer, and how does skin cancer become more than skin cancer?

6 reasons you should swim for your next workout

6 Reasons You Should Swim for Your Next Workout

Swimming is one of the best workouts you can do to get healthy. Whether you’re looking for a workout that’ll be easy on your joints, strengthen your heart, or help you lose weight, swimming is the answer.

Think you have cancer

Think you have cancer?

Because anyone can slap information about cancer on the internet, good judgement is key when searching online. Dr. Mark Ott, Chief Medical Director, Intermountain Medical Center, breaks down some good and not so good sources for information on cancer.

Cancer care

Why are younger adults getting colon cancer?

Addressing the rising trend of earlier colon cancer diagnoses


Learn About Cancer Genomics

In case you missed it: latest advances in cancer research discussed at most recent Research Colloquium

Skin 20Cancer

Skin Cancer Basics

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. More than 2 million people were diagnosed with skin cancer in 2010. This number is larger than all other cancers combined, and the incidence is increasing rapidly.​


5 Ways to Get More Sleep

5 Ways to Get More Sleep

Mental health after baby

6 Tips to Maintain Your Mental Health After Baby

Maintaining Your Mental Health After Baby

foot and ankle

Foot & Ankle: Is it Really Just an Ankle Sprain?

Dr. Rigby discusses foot and ankle sprains and treatment.

How Poor Sleep Affects Your Physical And Mental Health

Here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to getting enough z’s at night.


7 Tips to Surviving a Summer Pregnancy

Summer is here and with it comes scorching temps and stifling heat. Now imagine how an expectant mama is handling the heat.

7 Unconventional Ways to Squeeze in More Exercise

7 Unconventional Ways to Squeeze in More Exercise

Workouts can be tough. But exercise doesn’t have to be. For a healthier lifestyle, being active is the key, and it doesn’t much matter what that physical activity is. So if running a half marathon seems overwhelming to you, try one of these unconventional ways to squeeze more exercise into your week.

4 Sleep Tips That Are Better Than Counting Sheep

4 Sleep Tips That Are Better Than Counting Sheep

Counting sheep isn’t working. Let’s take a look at what might. 

Youth sports physicals

The importance of sports physicals for youth athletes

Safeguard your child’s game with sports physicals before the season.


Skin Cancer: Preventative Steps You Can Take

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S., with more than a million new cases of skin cancer occurring each year, resulting in more than 10,000 deaths primarily from melanoma

Pickleball safety tips
Sports medicine

Pickleball Safety 101: Expert tips to Keep You in the game

Use these few tweaks to help keep you from getting in a real pickle on the court.

Tiger Denver Zoo
Wellness and preventative medicine

Creating family adventures with parent-friendly services at the zoo

Accessibility options make the Denver Zoo Conservation Alliance a welcoming place for all

Signs you might have a thyroid problem

Signs you might have a thyroid problem

It’s not always easy to know if you have a problem with your thyroid. Knowing some of the common symptoms of an underactive or overactive thyroid will help give you an idea of you need to talk to your doctor.


How to Help a Spouse Suffering From Postpartum Depression

When it comes to postpartum depression, a spouse can do a lot to support their partner. It may not be easy, and it may not be pleasant, but a spouse can help their partner overcome - or at least live with postpartum depression and anxiety.

7 Misconceptions about Midwives-Blog

7 Misconceptions About Midwives

Midwives have been caring for women for centuries. But until the 1940s, history tells us they were generally local women with good hearts and instincts, but no formal education. Times have changed, as has the scope of midwifery practice. 

8 breastfeeding tips for new moms

8 Things New Moms Want to Know About Breastfeeding

Whether you're a new mom or a seasoned parenting pro, breastfeeding often comes with its fair share of questions. Here are some answers to common questions that mothers—new and veteran—may have.

Sun Safety Guide
Cancer care

How to prevent different types of skin cancer

Shining light on the different types of skin cancer, and how to prevent them.

Pregnancy Heartburn
Pregnancy and baby

Pregnancy Heartburn? 7 Ways to Get Relief

Expectant mothers everywhere are aching to know one thing: “How can I get some relief from this awful pregnancy heartburn?” To help ease your pain, here are some answers to your “burning” questions.

Benefits of exercising while you're pregnant
Pregnancy and baby

Benefits (and risks) of Exercising While You're Pregnant

Contrary to popular belief, getting pregnant doesn’t mean you have to give up exercise for nine months.

Close up of a woman in a beige dress holding her stomach outside

17 Things to Include in Your Birthing Plan

One thing that helps women and families through the birthing experience is having the opportunity to plan and mentally prepare for what to expect.


16 Things I Wish I Knew Before Having A Baby

Whether you are a new mom or a mom of three bring a new little one into the mix can be tricky. We’ve asked moms to share their comments on what they wished they had known before having your most recent baby? We received some great thoughts!  

young woman getting a mammogram

3D Mammography Provides the Best in Breast Imaging

3D mammography is helping physicians make more accurate diagnosis and detect more invasive cancers. So women can take comfort in knowing time taken for a mammogram is time well spent.

Prep for an MRI

How to prepare and what to expect from an MRI

By knowing what to expect during an MRI, you can feel more at ease during the procedure.


5 Things You Should Do Before Delivery

5 Things You Should Do Before Delivery

Women's health

Learn the importance of a postpartum checkup

Find out the importance of postpartum checkups during the “fourth trimester”

myths about mammograms

5 Misconceptions About Mammograms

Many misconceptions exist about mammograms, but the fact is mammograms can impact your long-term health — and save your life.

New Moms Stresses

New moms share newborn stresses

Amazing, magical, and beautiful often describe the excitement of childbirth, but with a new baby comes new stressors.