American Fork Specialty Clinic
American Fork Clinic offers imaging and radiology, audiology, dermatology, advanced endoscopy, urgent care, internal medicine, orthopedics, general pulmonology, and wound care located in American Fork, UT.
Our Services
We offer all-age hearing and balance care, where audiologists and therapists collaborate to tailor solutions to your needs.
DermatologyOur certified dermatologists treat various skin conditions, offering quick relief and ensuring your comfort during the process.
Diabetes and endocrinologyWe offer all-age diabetes and endocrinology care, crafting personalized treatment plans to fit your needs and lifestyle.
Ear, nose, and throatOur ENT specialists address hearing, balance, voice, taste, and language issues, creating tailored treatment plans to relieve your symptoms.
Heart and vascularOur heart and vascular experts use advanced technology to improve cardiovascular health. From diagnostics to advanced treatments, we prioritize your heart's well-being.
Internal medicineSpecialized in adult healthcare, managing complex illnesses and chronic conditions
Laboratory and pathologyConvenience, advanced testing, connectivity, and exceptional service in the lab industry.
Maternal fetal medicine (MFM)OrthopedicsSee our orthopedic specialists for expert care for bones and joints, addressing injuries or conditions with personalized treatments for improved mobility and comfort
Children's health and pediatricsIntermountain Health offers Utah's most extensive care network for kids, delivering quality, compassionate care from minor to complex issues.
RehabilitationIntermountain Health's Rehab Services aid in full recovery after surgery, injury, or pain, utilizing teamwork and advanced tech.
Physical therapyIntermountain Health's physical therapy services aid in full recovery after surgery, injury, or pain, utilizing teamwork and advanced tech.
Neurological and Stroke RehabilitationBehavioral healthGeneral pulmonologySleep medicineFrom sleep apnea to insomnia, disruptive night behaviors to daytime sleepiness and fatigue, the Intermountain Sleep Disorders Center provides exceptional care for all your sleep medicine needs.
Speech therapySports Medicine and PerformanceIntermountain Health's sports medicine team, including doctors, surgeons, therapists, trainers, and nutritionists, delivers specialized care for recovery and performance improvement.
Colorectal surgeryWomen's healthIntermountain Health caters to women's evolving needs, providing holistic care from gynecology to mental health, promoting well-being at every stage of life.
Wound careUrgent care options at this location
Urgent care
Intermountain offers licensed professionals for non-life-threatening urgent care, no appointment necessary.
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How to Choose the Best Mental Health Therapist For You
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How to choose a mental health provider for your child
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How Sports Psychology Can Help Athlete's Beat Mental Health Challenges
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Help For Seniors With Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues
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Foot & Ankle: Is it Really Just an Ankle Sprain?
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Better Than Sunscreen: Dress Your Kids in UV Protective Clothing
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Be active: Prevent heart disease
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Baby Essentials for the Hospital and Beyond
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Ask the Expert
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"Tin Man" Finally Gets His Heart
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Ask Nurse Dani: When Should I Feel My Baby Move?
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Arm and Shoulder Exercises with Minimal Equipment
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Arizona Man Has New Lease on Life Thanks to SynCardia Total Artificial Heart
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Are you or your loved ones feeling anxious lately? It's normal.
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Are You at Risk for Breast Cancer?
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Apps That Can Help You Get A Good Nights Sleep
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Anorexia Nervosa: A Deadly Disease
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An Innovative Heart Procedure for Linda
Intermountain specialists have pioneered leading-edge heart advances for decades, benefitting patients like Linda Smith, one of the first recipients of a new-generation aortic valve replacement.
Alternative Communication Ideas for Individuals With Autism
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Seasonal Allergies During Pregnancy
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All the Rage: Healthy Ways to Respond to Anger
Traffic. Unrealistic deadlines. Hunger. Technology problems. Financial concerns. Rudeness. Being criticized. A million things can rile you up and cause you to blow your top.
AHA16: An Opportunity for the World's Top Heart Researchers to Collaborate
The American Heart Association's 2016 Scientific Sessions in New Orleans will bring together science, technology and networking opportunities for heart clinicians and researchers from around the world.
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A Team-Based Approach to Mental Health Integration in Primary Care
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A Pinch of Salt or Less
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “about 90% of Americans eat more sodium than is recommended for a healthy diet. Too much sodium increases a person’s risk for high blood pressure. High blood pressure often leads to heart disease and stroke.”
A Little About PPD – Postpartum Depression
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A Healthy Heart Starts With An Active Lifestyle
Every year about 700,000 Americans have a heart attack, according to the Centers for Disease Control. A heart attack can happen to anyone at anytime. However, many people think it’ll never happen to them. The data suggests otherwise.
A Healthy Dose of Fear is Normal
Fear — there’s an entire holiday, film industry, and book genre dedicated to it. It’s something all have experienced, and some even seek it out. But what is fear and how does it affect our bodies?
A Decade of Improving Heart Health
The 100-Day Heart Challenge program has been going strong at Utah Valley Hospital over the last decade. And though the program itself has evolved over the years, the results have proven that changing your lifestyle is the best way to improve your health.
25 Years of Progress in the Detection and Treatment of Breast Cancer
25 years of progress in the detection and treatment of breast cancer
12 Ways to Improve Fertility
12 Ways to Improve Fertility
11 Truths of Motherhood
You are an awesome mom. Here are 11 truths you know and should remind yourself of often.
10 Things Women Can Do to LiVe Well With Preventive Care
Preventive care puts you in charge of your health. It lets you gauge your health today, and find out ways to protect it for the future.
10 Things I've Learned Supporting Children Through Suicide Loss
Two years ago, John died by suicide. I got the call at the gym. John’s body had been found and I felt all the feelings at once. It didn’t seem real and I fell apart in a way I didn’t understand. I always pictured myself as capable and able to rise to any challenge, but death didn’t care about my self-perception.
10 Skin Cancer Facts
What’s the best thing you can do to decrease your risk of skin cancer, especially in the summer? The number one thing is to protect your skin.
10 Common Signs of Menopause
10 Common Signs of Menopause
9 Useful Pregnancy Snacks
I’ve tried to find a few healthy and easy grab and go snacks that I can quickly eat when I realize I haven’t eaten in a while or I start to feel a little sick. Here are a few of my favs.
9 Tips to Prevent Skin Cancer
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9 Things Happy Parents Do To Raise Happy Children
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8 to LiVe by Sleep and Support
There are lots of things you can do to have more energy, feel stronger, and stay at a healthy weight. We have talked previously about Food and Activity: now we will focus on Sleep and Support!
6 Ways to Protect Your Skin During Cold Weather
Here are some tips to help reduce chapping and redness and keep your skin healthy and comfortable until spring arrives.
6 Ways to Improve Your Heart Health
6 Ways to Improve Your Heart Health
6 Tips to Help Children Handle Failure
Much like adults kids have pressures in life that come from a variety of sources. Pressures can come from within the child, parents, teachers, peers and the larger society in which the child lives. Here are a few ways to help children find successful ways to handle life's pressures.
6 Tips to Better Manage Your Stress
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5 Tips for Moving to a New House While Pregnant
Selling a home and moving is an exciting, and sometimes stressful, time for everyone in the family. Doing so while pregnant increases the excitement level, but can also increase the stress level and potential impacts on your pregnancy plan.
5 Tips for CPAP Success
5 Tips for CPAP Success
5 Things to Know About Diabetes
Diabetes, often referred to by doctors as diabetes mellitus, describes a group of metabolic diseases in which the person has high blood glucose (blood sugar), either because insulin production is inadequate, or because the body's cells do not respond properly to insulin, or both.
5 Things I Wish I Knew as a First Time Mom
5 Things I Wish I Knew as a First Time Mom
5 Snacks to Help Battle High Cholesterol
Here are some healthy snack ideas to get you maintain your blood sugar, metabolism, and even cholesterol levels throughout the day.
5 Reasons Addicts Can Benefit From Counseling
Research has shown addiction is a brain disease that can be treated, and counseling is one of the key ways an addict can get help.
5 Proven Steps to Help Fight Depression
The road to recovery can be long and challenging, but you don’t have live with depression. Small steps are key to making big changes.
5 Lifestyle Changes You Can Make to Help Reverse Prediabetes
5 Lifestyle Changes You Can Make to Help Reverse Prediabetes
5 Heart Numbers Everyone Should Know
5 Heart Numbers Everyone Should Know
4 Tips for Successful Diabetes Meal Planning
Meal planning, along with exercise and medications, is one of the mainstays for treating diabetes. Sometimes meal planning is viewed as one of the most difficult aspects of good diabetes management. Here are some tips for successful diabetes meal planning.
4 Things You Didnt Know About Your Joint Health
While we know in general that losing excess weight can help your overall health, have you ever thought about what that weight does to your joints?
4 Simple Changes To Be A Little Kinder To Your Heart
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US. The good news is heart disease can be prevented, in most cases, by adopting an active lifestyle and following a heart healthy diet. Here are 4 simple changes you can make to be a little kinder to your heart...
4 Back to School Tips for Families Managing Type 1 Diabetes
If you’re sending a child with T1 diabetes to school, you’re worrying about a lot more than school clothes, class schedules, and paying registration fees. You’re likely wondering how they’ll stay safe and healthy at school with a condition that is often unpredictable and difficult to manage.
3 tips to getting the most out of your workouts
3 tips to getting the most out of your workouts
3 Ways to End Treadmill Boredom
3 Ways to End Treadmill Boredom
3 Simple Stretches to Help You Sleep Better
Following a basic stretching routine just before bedtime will not only enhance your flexibility, but also relax and clear your mind to prepare you for some deep sleep.
3 Insights Giving Courage to Overwhelmed Moms Everywhere
Are you feeling like motherhood is overwhelming you? You are not alone. Here are three “mommy insights” that will help give you perspective and courage to continue being a great mom.
3 Breast Pumps, But Which is Best?
You might ask what kind of breast pump should I buy, Then I might ask, What are you going to use it for?
6 Tips to Maintain Your Mental Health After Baby
Maintaining Your Mental Health After Baby
Skin Cancer Basics
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. More than 2 million people were diagnosed with skin cancer in 2010. This number is larger than all other cancers combined, and the incidence is increasing rapidly.
Mental Health Integration - Treating the WHOLE Person
The mind is just as crucial as any part of the body when it comes to health and wellbeing. That’s the idea behind Mental Health Integration (MHI) – a system that includes mental healthcare as part of your clinical visit.
Pregnancy Brain Is Not A Myth
Pregnancy can be overwhelming, and it doesn’t help that you don’t know what’s going on with your body. It is hard to know what’s normal and what’s not. Don't worry. You're not alone.