Medical plan enrollees: Fill prescriptions under your appropriate health plan.

Cigna Plan members in Montana and Colorado: You are encouraged to fill your prescriptions at a local legacy SCL Health outpatient pharmacy. You may fill your maintenance medications (30- to 90-day supplies) one time at a retail pharmacy. All other maintenance medications must be filled at a legacy SCL Health outpatient pharmacy location or through the Mail Order Pharmacy Services at Good Samaritan Medical Center. See additional information in the Maintenance Medication section below.

Cigna Plan members in Kansas or remote locations: You may fill your prescriptions at a local in-network retail pharmacy. For maintenance medications, you may use Express Scripts Home Delivery. Details are outlined in the Remote Medical Plan section below.

Kaiser Permanente Plan members: You may fill your prescriptions at a Kaiser Permanente pharmacy or at St. Joseph Hospital. Details are included in the Maintenance Medication section below.

Helpful documents:


Maintenance Medications

Maintenance medications are drugs you take on a regular basis to treat conditions such as high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, asthma, arthritis and allergies.

Cigna members:

Cigna members are required to fill all maintenance prescriptions (30, 60 or 90 days) at a legacy SCL Health outpatient pharmacy or through the Mail Order Pharmacy Services at Good Samaritan Medical Center. Having your maintenance prescriptions filled at a company-owned pharmacy provides a simple and cost-effective way to order your prescriptions. As a benefit, having your maintenance prescriptions filled via mail order will save you time and money!

Next Steps

  1. For existing prescriptions, please contact one of the outpatient pharmacies listed to transfer your prescription.
  2. If you are unable to pick up your maintenance prescription at one of the legacy SCL Health pharmacies, you will be able to save time and money by filling your prescription through mail order via the Pharmacy Services at Good Samaritan. Review the "Mail Order" information for the 2-step process in setting up your mail order prescription.
  3. For new prescriptions, you may fill one time at retail (e.g., Kroger, Walmart, Walgreens, Rite Aid, CVS, etc.). Thereafter you must transfer your prescription to a legacy SCL Health Pharmacy.

Legacy SCL Health Pharmacies


  • Saint Joseph Hospital - Outpatient Pharmacy, Denver, 303-812-2326
  • Saint Joseph Hospital - CCC Specialty Pharmacy, Denver, 303-318-3490
  • Good Samaritan Medical Center - Pharmacy Services, Lafayette, 303-689-6121
  • Lutheran Medical Center - Pharmacy Services, Wheat Ridge, 303-403-6420
  • Platte Valley Medical Center - Pharmacy Services, Brighton, 303-483-7455


  • St. James Healthcare/Medical Arts Pharmacy, Butte, 406-723-2441
  • St. Vincent Healthcare Outpatient Pharmacy, Billings, 406-237-8117
  • Holy Rosary Healthcare, Miles City

Mail Order for Colorado and Montana:

  • Good Samaritan Medical Center - Pharmacy Services, Lafayette, 303-689-6121

Kansas and Remote Associates:

  • Mail Order Pharmacy Services through Cigna Home Delivery Pharmacy, 800-351-3606

Kaiser Permanente members

In addition to the Kaiser Permanente pharmacies, outpatient prescriptions can be filled at St. Joseph Hospital Outpatient Pharmacy and the Pharmacy Services at Good Samaritan Medical Center. Mail Order prescriptions must be filled through Kaiser Permanente.

Remote Medical Plan

Remote Cigna plan members, including Kansas associates

You may fill your prescriptions, up to a 30-day supply, at any local retail pharmacy. And you may fill one 90-day supply at retail. However, all remaining maintenance medications must be filled through mail order.

  • Maintenance medications must be processed by mail order through Express Scripts Home Delivery. Ask your physician to send your new or existing prescription electronically to Express Scripts Home Delivery. For your first order, Express Scripts will reach out to you to confirm address and payment details. Then you're all set!
  • You may also fill all your prescriptions, including 30- and 90-day supplies, at any Cigna 90 Now network pharmacy. You may find additional information at
  • If you are currently taking specialty medications, you will need to begin using Cigna Specialty Pharmacy Services for continued coverage. The Franklin Pharmacy at St. Joseph Hospital is not available to remote associates. Please reference the Specialty Medications flyer HERE for more information and instructions.


The difference between formulary and non-formulary drugs

SCL Health has worked with Cigna and Kaiser to create a list (also called a "formulary") of preferred brand-name drugs for the plan. You pay less for brand-name drugs on the formulary list. If your doctor prescribes a medication that's not on the list, ask if there's an alternative medication you can try. To check for a brand-name medication on your prescription drug plan administrator's formulary (preferred) list, go to or to search for your medication. You may also find the custom formulary list above. You can obtain the most accurate information by calling Cigna or Kaiser directly.

Pharmacy links and phone numbers:

  • Cigna – Cigna PPO and CDHP with HRA members - 800-244-6224 - Cigna Formulary shown above
  • Kaiser Pharmacy – Kaiser Permanente members - 866-427-7701 - Kaiser Formulary shown above
  • Specialty Pharmacy - for medications that must be administered by a physician or in a hospital setting - Franklin Pharmacy - 844-803-0864