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Intermountain Health

Downtown Clinic

Downtown Clinic offers a wide variety of medical services. You can find our clinics located in the Yellowstone Medical Center

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2900 12th Avenue North, Billings, MT
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Diabetes and endocrinologyWomen's health

Intermountain Health caters to women's evolving needs, providing holistic care from gynecology to mental health, promoting well-being at every stage of life.

PulmonologyUrologyBehavioral healthDermatologyGastroenterology

Our GI specialists offer swift diagnosis and treatment for digestive issues, improving your well-being for the present and future.

Maternal fetal medicine (MFM)NephrologyWeight loss and bariatricsCardiovascular and thoracic surgeryHeart and vascularInfectious diseases

Urgent care options at this location

Emergency care

Emergency care services offer immediate medical attention for serious and life-threatening illnesses or injuries.

St. Vincent Regional Hospital
1233 North 30th Street, Billings, MT

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How Poor Sleep Affects Your Physical And Mental Health

Here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to getting enough z’s at night.


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6 Tips to Maintain Your Mental Health After Baby

Maintaining Your Mental Health After Baby


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How to Help a Spouse Suffering From Postpartum Depression

When it comes to postpartum depression, a spouse can do a lot to support their partner. It may not be easy, and it may not be pleasant, but a spouse can help their partner overcome - or at least live with postpartum depression and anxiety.


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10 Common Signs of Menopause

10 Common Signs of Menopause


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A Team-Based Approach to Mental Health Integration in Primary Care

Long before patient-centered medical homes or accountable care organizations were buzzwords, Salt Lake City–based Intermountain Healthcare was looking at all of the points of care that could improve the health of patients in its system. It did not take long to identify mental health as a problem.


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how to tell if you have a food allergy

A Tale of Two Meals

One survey indicates that up to one-third of Americans feel they have a food “allergy,” but carefully done studies indicate that true food allergies occur in about 6-8% of children and 3-4% of adults. What, then, accounts for the difference?


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Anorexia Nervosa: A Deadly Disease

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Answering Questions about Weight Loss

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Apps That Can Help You Get A Good Nights Sleep

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Are protein shakes healthy?

Not everyone needs the extra protein that a protein shake can add to your diet. But protein shakes can help if you are not getting enough protein in your diet.


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Addiction is a Dark Time, but Dayspring is the Dawn

If you struggle with addiction or know someone who does, overcoming it may feel impossible. But there’s hope. This story follows a man’s 13-year journey through addiction and how he beat the odds with the help of supportive caregivers at Intermountain Dayspring at LDS Hospital.


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All the Rage: Healthy Ways to Respond to Anger

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Are You at Risk for Breast Cancer?

Are you at risk for breast cancer? Take our breast cancer risk quiz today.


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Seasonal Allergies During Pregnancy

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Are you Missing Something? That's Probably not a Bad Thing

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Alternative Communication Ideas for Individuals With Autism

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What is Sleep Apnea and Why is it a Concern?

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9 Tips to Prevent Skin Cancer

9 Tips to Prevent Skin Cancer


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Healthy Snacks_Berrett

9 Useful Pregnancy Snacks

I’ve tried to find a few healthy and easy grab and go snacks that I can quickly eat when I realize I haven’t eaten in a while or I start to feel a little sick. Here are a few of my favs.


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A Little About PPD – Postpartum Depression

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A Non-Candy Coated Look at Added Sugar

The fact is simple and sweet: too much sugar is not good for you. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you cut down on sugar for good.


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Skin Cancer: Preventative Steps You Can Take

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S., with more than a million new cases of skin cancer occurring each year, resulting in more than 10,000 deaths primarily from melanoma


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How to support a loved one struggling with mental illness

How to Support a Loved One Struggling With Mental Illness

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8 to LiVe by Sleep and Support

There are lots of things you can do to have more energy, feel stronger, and stay at a healthy weight. We have talked previously about Food and Activity: now we will focus on Sleep and Support!


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Walk 20in 20the 20fall

80% of Americans Don't Get Enough Exercise. Do you?

It’s January and everybody is going to the gym. I applaud and encourage everyone who is making a commitment to be more active as their New Year’s resolution, but before you take on a P90X or Insanity workout, let’s talk a little about what you need to know so you can be healthy and successful.​​​


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9 Things Happy Parents Do To Raise Happy Children

9 Things Happy Parents Do To Raise Happy Children

Children have a way of pushing their parents to the limit of their patience – and beyond, which leaves both parent and child frustrated. The good news is, when it comes to children, a little preparation can help.


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7 Ways to Boost Your Mood With Food

If you've ever experienced guilt from eating food, you've experienced first-hand how food can impact your mood.


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7 Ways to Overcome Depression Without Medication

The standard medical treatment for depression includes antidepressant medications, such as Lexapro or Zoloft.  These medications can be helpful if you’re struggling with depression. However, antidepressants do not always resolve depressive symptoms and can also have unwanted side effects. 


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8 FAQS about the Breast Cancer Gene

Working with breast cancer patients is both challenging and incredibly rewarding. While watching my patients suffer can be tough, I am often inspired by their strength, resolve and selflessness.


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Meal planning

8 Ideas for Simple Meal Planning

Meal planning is a great way to save money, keep your sanity and eat good food. But where do you start? Honestly, it depends a lot on how proficient a cook you are. Here are some ideas if you are new to cooking or just don’t feel like you’re very good at it yet.


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Unconventional Transplant May Be Answer to Chronic Intestinal Infection

Not to be graphic, but poop may have more uses than being deposited in a toilet. An unconventional therapy called fecal transplant uses feces from a healthy person to help treat a patient suffering from an infection known as C. diff


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7 Steps to Game Plan for a Healthy Meal

Healthy eating does not have to be complicated, but it does take some planning and thought.  Once you understand a few basic shopping and cooking principles you will be able to develop good habits that will last a life time.


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7 Tips to Surviving a Summer Pregnancy

Summer is here and with it comes scorching temps and stifling heat. Now imagine how an expectant mama is handling the heat.


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7 Unconventional Ways to Squeeze in More Exercise

7 Unconventional Ways to Squeeze in More Exercise

Workouts can be tough. But exercise doesn’t have to be. For a healthier lifestyle, being active is the key, and it doesn’t much matter what that physical activity is. So if running a half marathon seems overwhelming to you, try one of these unconventional ways to squeeze more exercise into your week.


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6 Ways to Increase Your Activity

6 Ways to Increase Your Activity


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6 Ways to Protect Your Skin During Cold Weather

6 Ways to Protect Your Skin During Cold Weather

Here are some tips to help reduce chapping and redness and keep your skin healthy and comfortable until spring arrives.


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6 Workouts that Burn Major Calories

The ice and snow provides an outdoor gym that can help your workouts. There is a heart healthy benefit as you raise your cardio level and build muscle strength as well. But just being cold could also be beneficial.


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Fruit 20Rainbow

A physician's weight loss journey

My challenge to all of us is to focus more on adopting an attitude and lifestyle of health. Eat less, eat better, stop smoking, and exercise more.​


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Fear — there’s an entire holiday, film industry, and book genre dedicated to it. It’s something all have experienced, and some even seek it out. But what is fear and how does it affect our bodies?

A Healthy Dose of Fear is Normal

Fear — there’s an entire holiday, film industry, and book genre dedicated to it. It’s something all have experienced, and some even seek it out. But what is fear and how does it affect our bodies?


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Avoiding West Nile Virus and Other Mosquito Borne Illnesses

Warm summer nights can be very inviting, coaxing folks to linger on the porch or in the yard when the temperature finally starts dropping. Unfortunately, it is also the time that disease carrying mosquitos come out to feed.


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Pregnant Woman

Ask Nurse Dani: When Should I Feel My Baby Move?

The first time you feel your baby move will be unforgettable, especially for first-time moms. But when will it happen, and what should you expect?


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Baby Essentials for the Hospital and Beyond

Baby Essentials for the Hospital and Beyond

Being prepared with a hospital bag full of essentials long before your baby comes will give you time afterward to do what you really want: snuggle your baby.


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Beating the Cold and Flu Blues: Sick Day Management for People with Diabetes

As cooler weather approaches, many of us look forward to fall and winter events. What we don’t look forward to is cold and flu season.


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Are you or a loved one feeling anxious

Are you or your loved ones feeling anxious lately? It's normal.

Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical symptoms. It often occurs due to a perception of being threatened or concern of a threat in the future. This may sound familiar, because it’s a survival mechanism that’s hardwired into our bodies.


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Better health starts with social issues

Better health starts with addressing social issues

Many non-medical factors like housing instability, food insecurity, violence and many more can affect health.


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Aspartame: Is it Safe as a Sugar Substitute?

Aspartame is a common replacement for sugar that is 200 times sweeter to the taste. However, aspartame has always been subject to controversy because people have reported suffering from adverse effects - so we ask: is it really that safe to use as a sugar substitute?


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Avoid Falling for Grocery Store Food Traps

We’re all trying to be healthier and most of us seek out healthier foods in the grocery stores. Unfortunately, marketers hone in on key ingredients to maketheir products sound healthier, and more alluring at our expense. Watch out for these traps


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Avoid Kidney Stones: Eat and Drink Right

Passing a kidney stone is one of the most painful experiences possible. Unfortunately, once you’ve had a kidney stone, your risk of having a second one is 30 percent within 5 years and 50 percent within 10 years


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Avoid the Pitfalls of Restrictive Dieting

Dieting is a never-ending cycle for most of us. We overeat or binge, which can bring weight gain. Then we have this desire to be thin and decide to go on a diet.


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Ask the Expert

Ask the Expert is an event hosted by KUTV News and Intermountain Healthcare. The day-long program features experts sharing advice on various health topics every second Tuesday of the month.


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Avoid Sharing a Cold or the Flu

Here's How Your Family Can Avoid Sharing a Cold or the Flu

Understanding common types of sickness and how long you’re contagious will help you decide if you should stay home another day or get back to life as scheduled.


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Better Than Sunscreen: Dress Your Kids in UV Protective Clothing

A sunburn in childhood can dramatically increase your chance of skin cancer later. UV protective clothing and sunblock are the best defense against UV rays.


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Beware of Avoiding Gluten If You Dont Have Celiac Disease

Beware of Avoiding Gluten If You Don't Have Celiac Disease

If you don’t have celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity, eliminating gluten from your diet can cause nutritional deficiencies.


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Top Foods That Help Your Digestion

Here are some foods to incorporate into your diet, and to stay away from to maintain healthy digestion.


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Surprise! Increasing Fiber in Your Diet Promotes Digestive Health and Much More!

Yes, your gut is glorious, and you want to keep it that way.


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What’s the Difference Between Probiotics and Prebiotics?

We know they’re good for us, but what’s the difference and benefits of each?


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New Technology Helps Keep Breast Cancer from Coming Back

With the help of new technology, doctors can find and treat the stray cancer cells that make cancer come back.


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Mental health integration

Mental Health Integration - Treating the WHOLE Person

The mind is just as crucial as any part of the body when it comes to health and wellbeing. That’s the idea behind Mental Health Integration (MHI) – a system that includes mental healthcare as part of your clinical visit.


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Image of a person sitting in meditation

Getting Help With Your Mental Health

Learn about the free resources you can use to improve your mental health and wellbeing.


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Girl chalkboard

6 Tips to Help Children Handle Failure

Much like adults kids have pressures in life that come from a variety of sources. Pressures can come from within the child, parents, teachers, peers and the larger society in which the child lives. Here are a few ways to help children find successful ways to handle life's pressures.


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6 Tips to Better Manage Your Stress

In today’s society, more and more people are dealing with stress. It has become increasingly important to find ways to manage stress as it is shown to have a direct relation to your heart’s health. 


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Good Bugs for Your Gut

The human body is loaded with bacteria! Billions of bacteria, more like trillions, in your body. Ugh!Historically, the bad bacteria usually got all the press-Legionnaire’s disease, E. coli, Salmonella. What about the good guys? Finally, they’re getting good press.


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Skin 20Cancer

Skin Cancer Basics

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. More than 2 million people were diagnosed with skin cancer in 2010. This number is larger than all other cancers combined, and the incidence is increasing rapidly.​


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Mental Health Matters

Breaking Down Stigma and Building Awareness Around Mental Health

Mental illness is common. Nearly one in five Americans have mental illness. Clint Thurgood, director of Crisis Service at Intermountain Healthcare talks about why it’s important to talk openly about our mental health and how we can work together to overcome the stigma around mental health.


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Mind Your Health: Explore Your Mental Wellness

Learn more about our behavioral health services and how we provide a full spectrum of care.


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Help For Seniors With Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues

As American baby boomers get older, their need for mental health services is booming. One in five American seniors has a mental health or substance abuse problem, according to a 2012 report by the Institute of Medicine -- and that number will only grow as baby boomers get older.


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10 Things I've Learned Supporting Children Through Suicide Loss

Two years ago, John died by suicide. I got the call at the gym. John’s body had been found and I felt all the feelings at once. It didn’t seem real and I fell apart in a way I didn’t understand. I always pictured myself as capable and able to rise to any challenge, but death didn’t care about my self-perception.


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Mental Health Child

How to choose a mental health provider for your child

Choosing a therapist can be difficult. Often, you’re unsure where to start and what to expect. Here are some ideas to help you get started.


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12 Ways to Improve Fertility

12 Ways to Improve Fertility


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25 Years of Progress in the Detection and Treatment of Breast Cancer

25 years of progress in the detection and treatment of breast cancer


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Mommy Moments

3 Insights Giving Courage to Overwhelmed Moms Everywhere

Are you feeling like motherhood is overwhelming you? You are not alone. Here are three “mommy insights” that will help give you perspective and courage to continue being a great mom.


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3D Printed Kidney Saves Patient's Organ

3D Printed Kidney Saves Patient's Organ


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10 Common Signs of Menopause

10 Common Signs of Menopause


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3 Tips to Eat Healthy When You're Short on Time

Check out these time-saving tips and recipes for you and your family. These are all healthy, kid-friendly, and fast to make.


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10 Drinks to Help You Sleep

10 Drinks to Help You Sleep at Night

10 Drinks to Help You Sleep at Night


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A Bedtime Stretching Routine to Help You Sleep Better

3 Simple Stretches to Help You Sleep Better

Following a basic stretching routine just before bedtime will not only enhance your flexibility, but also relax and clear your mind to prepare you for some deep sleep.


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3 Steps to Intuitive Eating

3 Steps to Intuitive Eating

Are you sick of being on a diet? Tired of counting calories or carbs? Done with being obsessed about food?


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Getting to the Meat of the Matter

3 Tips to Eat Like a Vegetarian (Even if You're a Meat Lover)

Animal advocates and environmentalists aren’t the only groups encouraging plant-based diets these days. More and more physicians, nutritionists, and health coaches are endorsing a meatless menu.


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skin cancer facts

10 Skin Cancer Facts

What’s the best thing you can do to decrease your risk of skin cancer, especially in the summer? The number one thing is to protect your skin.


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10 Things Women Can Do to LiVe Well With Preventive Care

10 Things Women Can Do to LiVe Well With Preventive Care

Preventive care puts you in charge of your health. It lets you gauge your health today, and find out ways to protect it for the future.


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Pros of Probiotics: Your Gut Health Go-To

Weight loss, better skin and an immune system boost are many ways probiotics can benefit you.


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Mommy Truths

11 Truths of Motherhood

You are an awesome mom. Here are 11 truths you know and should remind yourself of often.


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How to Choose the Best Mental Health Therapist For You

How to Choose the Best Mental Health Therapist For You

When you need a therapist, you want someone you can trust, and someone who’s wise and experienced, who can give you ideas and resources that are proven to be effective.


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How is your childs mental health

How is your child's mental health?

It doesn’t matter if your child is six or sixteen, when they’re struggling, they need help. Unless you know what to look for and what to expect, you won’t be able to help your child get the help they need.


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why youre not losing weight

10 Ways You May Be Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

You have a plan for losing weight. Likely it involves changing your diet and adding in exercise. It is a great plan and you have been following it. However, if you aren’t losing weight, take a look at these ten ways you might be sabotaging your weight loss.


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warts blogs

5 Common Warts and How They're Treated

Warts… for kids they’re embarrassing and adults find them as a mere inconvenience, but what are they? 


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SuperFood lunch

5 foods to Build a Superfood Lunch

​Instead of eating out for lunch, answer these 5 questions for creating a power lunch. 


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5 Things You Can Do To Fight Depression

5 Proven Steps to Help Fight Depression

The road to recovery can be long and challenging, but you don’t have live with depression. Small steps are key to making big changes. 


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Benefits of Counseling for Struggling Addicts

5 Reasons Addicts Can Benefit From Counseling

Research has shown addiction is a brain disease that can be treated, and counseling is one of the key ways an addict can get help.


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physical-anxiety (2)

The Physical Side of Anxiety

Anxiety is a mental health condition and prevalent as 40 million in the U.S. have some form of anxiety. Yet the symptoms are not reserved to just psychological.


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4 Sleep Tips That Are Better Than Counting Sheep

4 Sleep Tips That Are Better Than Counting Sheep

Counting sheep isn’t working. Let’s take a look at what might. 


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4 Tips to Help Your Kids Make Better Vending Machine Choices

4 Tips to Help Your Kids Make Better Vending Machine Choices

4 Tips to Help Your Kids Make Better Vending Machine Choices


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School lunch

4 Ways to Ensure School Lunch Success

It’s that time of year again. Now is the time to become involved in your children’s food choices to help them answer the question, “What do I eat for lunch?” Here are four tips to help make the lunchroom a success.


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6 Surprising Causes of Adult Acne

Not a teenager and still dealing with acne? Nearly every case of adult acne can be treated with professional help from a dermatologist.


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6 Things You Need to Know about Mammograms

6 Things You Need to Know about Mammograms

Unfortunately, Utah women have the second-lowest mammogram screening rate in the country. A mammogram only takes a few minutes and can save your life. 


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Six Tips for Interacting Positively with Children on the Autism Spectrum

6 Tips for Interacting Positively with Children on the Autism Spectrum

Children with autism are sometimes ignored and misunderstood. Learn how to recognize the signs and communicate positively with children with this sometimes subtle disability.


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50 Shades of Yellow: The Color of Your Urine Can Help You Avoid Dehydration

Hiking, running, or playing outdoors during the heat of the summer puts you at risk of dehydration. But being active indoors can place you at risk, too. Learn more about the signs of dehydration.


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How Does Skin Cancer Become More Than Skin Cancer?

Former President Jimmy Carter's announcement that he has melanoma made many people wonder: Is melanoma the same thing as skin cancer, and how does skin cancer become more than skin cancer?


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