Lifestyle Medicine & Wellness Center

  • Services
couple hiking at sunset

Lifestyle Medicine & Wellness Center - Park City

Your health isn’t just about medication, surgery, or recovering from a serious illness. It’s also about making a plan to keep you healthy and out of the hospital. We can help you make healthier choices to avoid lifelong medical problems and big medical bills.

(435) 333-3535

Our Services

900 Round Valley Drive, Park City, UT

Intermountain's Acupuncture services can treat common problems such as back pain, neck pain and joint pain and help improve your overall health and wellbeing.

Executive health exams

Our providers work with you on a comprehensive health exam and to set targets for your wellbeing.

Fitness services

Our team of wellness and fitness experts cater to your personal requirements and accommodate your schedule. Choose from our three fitness services.

Health assessments

Health assessments help determine your physical fitness level to match you to the right kind of exercise classes.

Integrative medicine

Integrative Medicine is a mix of traditional medicine and new methods that focuses on disease prevention and management.

Lifestyle medicine

Intermountain's Lifestyle Medicine services uses lifestyle changes to prevent, treat, and manage chronic diseases and improve the quality of your life.

Medically supervised weight loss

Whether you're looking to lose weight or striving for better health, empower yourself with a holistic approach alongside our lifestyle medicine experts.

Medical massage therapy

Medical massage therapy helps relax sore or tight muscles, relieve nerve pain, release trigger points, increase blood circulation, and reduce inflammation.

Medical nutrition therapy

A registered dietitian nutritionist can recommend long-term changes to your eating habits which can help treat medical conditions and improve overall health.

Women's health

Our providers will work with you to address your unique health concerns.

yoga class

Why choose a Lifestyle Medicine & Wellness Center service?

Change can be hard, but our team of experts is here to help you make those changes to improve your overall health, one small step at a time. Your health is the priority, which means your needs come first. You’ll work with experts who listen to your goals and then give you the best tools to help you improve your health.

We can be your one-stop shop for health and wellness by meeting you where you are and working with you to embrace the change that will help you feel better.

(435) 333-3535

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Julie’s Journey: Navigating breast cancer treatment with support of caregivers

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Know where to go: Your guide on choosing the right care at the right time

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Nothing Beats a Summer Peach: Make Peaches Part of Your Healthy Diet

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How Much Protein Is Simply Too Much?

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Pregnancy and baby

Benefits (and risks) of Exercising While You're Pregnant

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Be active: Prevent heart disease

Being physically active is an important component to preventing heart disease, the nation's No. 1 killer.  To improve overall cardiovascular health, we suggest at least 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise.

Baby Essentials for the Hospital and Beyond

Baby Essentials for the Hospital and Beyond

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Pregnant Woman

Ask Nurse Dani: When Should I Feel My Baby Move?

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Seasonal Allergies During Pregnancy

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Affordable Exercise Is Easier Than You'd Think

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Affordable Exercise at Home

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How to Help a Spouse Suffering From Postpartum Depression

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A NEAT Way to Burn Extra Calories

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A Man's Guide to Preventive Maintenance

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A Little About PPD – Postpartum Depression

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Walk 20in 20the 20fall

80% of Americans Don't Get Enough Exercise. Do you?

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25 Years of Progress in the Detection and Treatment of Breast Cancer

25 years of progress in the detection and treatment of breast cancer


16 Things I Wish I Knew Before Having A Baby

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10 Common Signs of Menopause

Healthy Snacks_Berrett

9 Useful Pregnancy Snacks

I’ve tried to find a few healthy and easy grab and go snacks that I can quickly eat when I realize I haven’t eaten in a while or I start to feel a little sick. Here are a few of my favs.

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8 Creative Ways to Stay Active with Your Family This Fall

Autumn brings beauty and plenty of fun for the whole family, and having a few ideas on hand will help you be active and healthy.

8 FAQS about the Breast Cancer Gene

Working with breast cancer patients is both challenging and incredibly rewarding. While watching my patients suffer can be tough, I am often inspired by their strength, resolve and selflessness.

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8 Things New Moms Want to Know About Breastfeeding

Whether you're a new mom or a seasoned parenting pro, breastfeeding often comes with its fair share of questions. Here are some answers to common questions that mothers—new and veteran—may have.

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7 Ways Kindness Improves Your Health

Recent studies have shown the health benefits of both practicing and witnessing acts of kindness. The positive health benefits of showing compassion and concern are both physical and mental.


7 Tips to Surviving a Summer Pregnancy

Summer is here and with it comes scorching temps and stifling heat. Now imagine how an expectant mama is handling the heat.


7 Reasons Why Exercise is Better with a Buddy

Working out is difficult, but adding a friend into the mix improves the likelihood of sticking with it. Check out these seven reasons for getting a friend involved in your regular exercise routine.


6 Workouts that Burn Major Calories

The ice and snow provides an outdoor gym that can help your workouts. There is a heart healthy benefit as you raise your cardio level and build muscle strength as well. But just being cold could also be beneficial.

7 Misconceptions about Midwives-Blog

7 Misconceptions About Midwives

Midwives have been caring for women for centuries. But until the 1940s, history tells us they were generally local women with good hearts and instincts, but no formal education. Times have changed, as has the scope of midwifery practice. 


6 Ways to Increase Your Activity

6 Ways to Increase Your Activity

6 Things You Need to Know about Mammograms

6 Things You Need to Know about Mammograms

Unfortunately, Utah women have the second-lowest mammogram screening rate in the country. A mammogram only takes a few minutes and can save your life. 

Preventing Falls

6 simple ways to prevent falls

Every 13 seconds, an older adult is seen in an emergency department for a falls-related injury.

6 reasons you should swim for your next workout

6 Reasons You Should Swim for Your Next Workout

Swimming is one of the best workouts you can do to get healthy. Whether you’re looking for a workout that’ll be easy on your joints, strengthen your heart, or help you lose weight, swimming is the answer.

Overcome Feeling Overwhelmed

5 Ways Moms Can Overcome Feeling Overwhelmed

The stress of motherhood can leave anyone feeling overwhelmed. But taking time to care for yourself will allow you to better care for your family.

moving while pregnant

5 Tips for Moving to a New House While Pregnant

Selling a home and moving is an exciting, and sometimes stressful, time for everyone in the family. Doing so while pregnant increases the excitement level, but can also increase the stress level and potential impacts on your pregnancy plan. 

Exercise Motivation

5 Tips for Exercise Motivation

If you’re out of ideas for ways to motivate yourself to work out or need to revisit some techniques you’ve tried in the past, these five tips may help.

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5 Tips for Making Good Choices at the Grocery Store

The grocery store can be a hazardous place for anyone trying to eat healthy. There are thousands of unhealthy food products lurking at every turn.


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5 Things You Should Do Before Delivery

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New moms share newborn stresses

Amazing, magical, and beautiful often describe the excitement of childbirth, but with a new baby comes new stressors. 


5 Powerful Health Benefits of Journaling

Journaling does more than just help you record your memories or find self-expression. It’s good for your health.

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5 Misconceptions About Mammograms

Many misconceptions exist about mammograms, but the fact is mammograms can impact your long-term health — and save your life.


5 Great Antioxidants You May Not Know About

You may be surprised to hear your dietitian tell you to eat more herbs and spices, but the truth is many common herbs are often overlooked as rich sources of antioxidants. Not only are you adding flavor to your food, but also giving your health a boost. 


4 Ways A Dietitian Can Help You Maintain Your Nutrition Goals

Are you worried that some of your habits like exercise and eating right will go away when winter comes?


4 Free Apps that Support Your Health

Striving to live the healthiest lives possible can be challenging. Being mindful of - and proactively managing - our daily activities helps us reach our health goals. Check out these four apps that help make it a little easier.

4 Heart-Healthy Fats to Add to Your Diet

4 Heart-Healthy Fats to Add to Your Diet

Here are some foods you can start eating now to improve your heart health.

Agility Ladder Workout

4 Agility Ladder Drills for At-home Workout

Tired of the same workout day in and day out? I've put together four simple drills you can do at home using an agility ladder. It will get your heart pumping and provide variety to your workout, because doing the same workout everyday can get pretty boring. 

Family at home eating

3 Ways to Start Healthy Family Habits

3 Ways to Start Healthy Family Habits

young woman getting a mammogram

3D Mammography Provides the Best in Breast Imaging

3D mammography is helping physicians make more accurate diagnosis and detect more invasive cancers. So women can take comfort in knowing time taken for a mammogram is time well spent.


3 Ways to End Treadmill Boredom

3 Ways to End Treadmill Boredom


3 Tips to Eat Healthy When You're Short on Time

Check out these time-saving tips and recipes for you and your family. These are all healthy, kid-friendly, and fast to make.

3 Steps to Intuitive Eating

3 Steps to Intuitive Eating

Are you sick of being on a diet? Tired of counting calories or carbs? Done with being obsessed about food?

A Bedtime Stretching Routine to Help You Sleep Better

3 Simple Stretches to Help You Sleep Better

Following a basic stretching routine just before bedtime will not only enhance your flexibility, but also relax and clear your mind to prepare you for some deep sleep.

073013 PreventChronicDis WEB

3 Simple Behaviors to Prevent Chronic Disabilities

3 Simple Behaviors to Prevent Chronic Disabilities


3 Gadgets to Help You Live Well

3 Gadgets to Help You Live Well

3 Exercises to Help Relieve Back Pain

3 Exercises to Help Relieve Back Pain

If you suffer from lower back pain, you are not alone. About 80 percent of adults experience low back pain at some point in their lifetime. This pain can decrease your quality of life and make everyday tasks unpleasant.

Mommy Moments

3 Insights Giving Courage to Overwhelmed Moms Everywhere

Are you feeling like motherhood is overwhelming you? You are not alone. Here are three “mommy insights” that will help give you perspective and courage to continue being a great mom.

Electric 20Breast 20Pump text

3 Breast Pumps, But Which is Best?

You might ask what kind of breast pump should I buy, Then I might ask, What are you going to use it for?​​


2 Tools to Help you Make Healthy Changes in Your Life

Change is difficult for all of us. Therefore, we need to be highly strategic and motivated to tackle any change, particularly if we want the change to be permanent.

Mental health after baby

6 Tips to Maintain Your Mental Health After Baby

Maintaining Your Mental Health After Baby

Pregnancy Heartburn
Pregnancy and baby

Pregnancy Heartburn? 7 Ways to Get Relief

Expectant mothers everywhere are aching to know one thing: “How can I get some relief from this awful pregnancy heartburn?” To help ease your pain, here are some answers to your “burning” questions.


Pregnancy Brain Is Not A Myth

Pregnancy can be overwhelming, and it doesn’t help that you don’t know what’s going on with your body. It is hard to know what’s normal and what’s not. Don't worry. You're not alone.